
This example shows how long running effects can be made cancellable, either by triggering the same effect again before it has completed, or explicitly by, say, clicking a button. We illustrate this with a simple HTTP GET request to Open Meteo.


The state holds the most recently fetched result and the loading state, which indicates whether a request is currently running.

case class State(
    temperature: Option[Double] = None,
    loading: Boolean = false

The JSON API response is modeled using a case class with a circe decoder instance.

import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*

case class OpenMeteoData(temperature_2m: Double)
case class OpenMeteoApiResponse(current: OpenMeteoData)

object OpenMeteoData:
  given Decoder[OpenMeteoData] = deriveDecoder

object OpenMeteoApiResponse:
  given Decoder[OpenMeteoApiResponse] = deriveDecoder


enum Action:
  case Cancel
  case GetTemperature
  case SetTemperature(temp: Option[Double])
  case SetLoading(loading: Boolean)


The interesting bit is the construction of the store. By wrapping the data fetching effect with store.withCancellationKey, we can cancel it using store.cancel. By wrapping it with store.withRunningState, we can observe whether it is running using store.runningState. Finally, we keep the loading state in sync by subscribing to changes of store.runningState.

import cats.effect.*
import cats.effect.implicits.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

object Store:

  private val cancelKey = "get-temperature"
  private val loadingKey = "loading"

  def apply[F[_]](using
      F: Async[F]
  ): Resource[F, ff4s.Store[F, State, Action]] =
      store <- ff4s.Store[F, State, Action](State()): store =>
        case (Action.SetTemperature(temp), state) =>
          state.copy(temperature = temp) -> F.unit
        case (Action.SetLoading(loading), state) =>
          state.copy(loading = loading) -> F.unit
        case (Action.Cancel, state) => state -> store.cancel(cancelKey)
        case (Action.GetTemperature, state) =>
            state.copy(temperature = none),
                    1.second // pretend that this is really long running
                  ) *>
                      .flatMap(r =>

      _ <- store
        .evalMap(loading => store.dispatch(Action.SetLoading(loading)))
    yield store


trait View:
  self: ff4s.Dsl[State, Action] =>

  val view =

    import html._

    useState: state =>
          "Get current temperature",
          onClick := (_ => Action.GetTemperature.some)
        button("Cancel", onClick := (_ => Action.Cancel.some)),
        if (state.loading) div("loading...")
        else div(s"${state.temperature.fold("")(t => s"${t}°C")}")