This example shows how long running effects can be made cancellable, either by triggering the same effect again before it has completed, or explicitly by, say, clicking a button. We illustrate this with a simple HTTP GET request to Open Meteo.
The state holds the most recently fetched result and the loading state, which indicates whether a request is currently running.
case class State(
temperature: Option[Double] = None,
loading: Boolean = false
The JSON API response is modeled using a case class with a circe decoder instance.
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*
case class OpenMeteoData(temperature_2m: Double)
case class OpenMeteoApiResponse(current: OpenMeteoData)
object OpenMeteoData:
given Decoder[OpenMeteoData] = deriveDecoder
object OpenMeteoApiResponse:
given Decoder[OpenMeteoApiResponse] = deriveDecoder
enum Action:
case Cancel
case GetTemperature
case SetTemperature(temp: Option[Double])
case SetLoading(loading: Boolean)
The interesting bit is the construction of the store.
By wrapping the data fetching effect with store.withCancellationKey
, we can cancel it using store.cancel
By wrapping it with store.withRunningState
, we can observe whether it is running using store.runningState
Finally, we keep the loading
state in sync by subscribing to changes of store.runningState
import cats.effect.*
import cats.effect.implicits.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
object Store:
private val cancelKey = "get-temperature"
private val loadingKey = "loading"
def apply[F[_]](using
F: Async[F]
): Resource[F, ff4s.Store[F, State, Action]] =
store <- ff4s.Store[F, State, Action](State()): store =>
case (Action.SetTemperature(temp), state) =>
state.copy(temperature = temp) -> F.unit
case (Action.SetLoading(loading), state) =>
state.copy(loading = loading) -> F.unit
case (Action.Cancel, state) => state -> store.cancel(cancelKey)
case (Action.GetTemperature, state) =>
state.copy(temperature = none),
1.second // pretend that this is really long running
) *>
.flatMap(r =>
_ <- store
.evalMap(loading => store.dispatch(Action.SetLoading(loading)))
yield store
trait View:
self: ff4s.Dsl[State, Action] =>
val view =
import html._
useState: state =>
"Get current temperature",
onClick := (_ => Action.GetTemperature.some)
button("Cancel", onClick := (_ => Action.Cancel.some)),
if (state.loading) div("loading...")
else div(s"${state.temperature.fold("")(t => s"${t}°C")}")